Film 4 - 1 Take of a Dramatic Event

Screened 11-6-19

Give your overall response (2-3 paragraphs):
Write about your overall response to your film in 2-3 paragraphs: Were you successful at achieving what you set out to do? What are you proud of? What did not work as you expected? Why? What did you learn? 

This was a really fun video to shoot. I learned a lot about quick thinking on set and prioritizing what I want to show the audience and moving fast to get it on camera. I was proud of the fact that I kind of pushed myself and made something I usually don’t ( I used a gopro and go wet haha)

I didn’t expect for it to be so hard to get footage of the divers competing. Since it was during their class time, it was kind of hard to work against what they were already doing, and I did not want to get too much in the way.

Briefly discuss the following:
What, specifically, did you want to communicate? Were you successful? Why? Why not?   How, specifically, did you try to communicate this?       
I wanted to communicate how almost calm it can be to compete. I think I did, especially with the long wait before the actual dives.

What did you learn about storytelling:   

I learned that every shot needs to serve the story, and every shot needs to be there for a reason.

What did you learn about working with actors and getting performance:  

Not actors, but just trying to get their best angles on camera is hard, especially when the subjects are in swimsuits, you need to be especially mindful.

What did you learn about blocking the camera and actors?     

Blocking makes the biggest difference in making the shots look more interesting.
What did you learn about visual elements such as lighting, composition, framing, etc.?       

Framing needs to be purposeful, and every shot counts.
What did you learn about design and art direction?     
Stuff to look at makes the shot more interesting.
What did you learn about the Production Process such as pre-production, collaborating with crew, securing equipment, etc.?    

Pre production is important and locking locations should be high on the priority list.        

What was it like to watch your film with an audience? Did they understand it? Miss the point? Why did they respond the way they did?  
Well, since the underwater part was kind of spoiled, it wasn’t as exciting, but it was still fun to see them see that part. I also wanted to see how they would react to the long wait before the last diver jumps. Most people liked the wait, but there was a little opposition.

If you could remake this piece knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
If scheduling allowed, I would’ve tried to film this outside of the class period.

