Film 3 - Shot for Shot

Give your overall response (2-3 paragraphs): 
Write about your overall response to your film in 2-3 paragraphs: Were you successful at achieving what you set out to do? What are you proud of? What did not work as you expected? Why? What did you learn? 

I set out to really try and understand how to make decisions quickly and get a kind of understanding of the pacing that is involved in filming a movie. I had a really good experience with this film and the production process. The cast and crew were great and so nice to work with. I am really happy that this was finished at all, because the days leading up to the shooting date where very stressful. I didn't expect casting the female lead to be so difficult, but it was. Luckily, Marcelle was able to be in it after my last actress kind of flaked, and it turned out great. 

I learned a lot about how much detailed planning goes into every shot. Not just like story, but like blocking and timing and camera movements. It's crazy haha

Briefly discuss the following:
What, specifically, did you want to communicate? Were you successful? Why? Why not?How, specifically, did you try to communicate this? 

Well I was trying to copy the original, so I couldn't really stray from that. . . 

What did you learn about storytelling:    
I learned that every shot tells a story, or tells us more about the story. 

What did you learn about working with actors and getting performance:  
-Blocking is so important and makes the scene  A LOT more interesting.  
-Actors are wonderful and getting to talk to them before shooting is good to help kind of break the ice

What did you learn about blocking the camera and actors?     
 -Again, blocking is great. It tells us more about the relationships between characters. 
What did you learn about visual elements such as lighting, composition, framing, etc.?       
 -Lighting can also tell us a lot about character relationships or state of mind. 
What did you learn about design and art direction?     
 - I learned that I need to be more invested in art. I have never really worked on an art crew, but after this experience, I want to. There is so much detailing that goes on that really changes the whole vibe of a film.
What did you learn about the Production Process such as pre-production, collaborating with crew, securing equipment, etc.?    
What was it like to watch your film with an audience? Did they understand it? Miss the point? Why did they respond the way they did?  

I was very nervous. I went in knowing that I was missing a line of dialogue (ADR was a thing that happened a little too late in the game, so it didn't make it into the final cut). But I was also kind of excited, because Jonathan did a phenomenal job at matching the angles,  and I wanted the class to see his great work:)
If you could remake this piece knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
-If I could remake this piece, I would definitely get someone to be in charge of sound.  I would also try and color match a little better (and maybe get some help, since I don't know a lot about it)
