Film 1 - Evoking Childhood

Give your overall response (2-3 paragraphs): 
Write about your overall response to your film in 2-3 paragraphs: Were you successful at achieving what you set out to do? What are you proud of? What did not work as you expected? Why? What did you learn? 

I think I did an okay job at evoking that childhood nostalgia in the piece. I really like the feeling and tone that the story carries with it. I like the montage scenes a lot, I like how they turned out. 
I wasn't able to tell the complete story because of time constraints with the studio, so the ending doesn't make sense, so I learned to budget my time wiser and stick to a tight schedule. I also learned that it can be a bit hard to work with children because they have so much energy, but if you give them something to do, they bring a lot of spunk. 

Briefly discuss the following:
What, specifically, did you want to communicate? Were you successful? Why? Why not?How, specifically, did you try to communicate this?

I wanted to communicate the way we feel sometimes when we think about childhood play and how easy and nice it was. I feel like I was able to communicate that with the cuts between the older characters and the kids.

What did you learn about storytelling:   

learned that it is important to carry a purpose throughout every scene, every shot. 

What did you learn about working with actors and getting performance:   

You need to give actors something to think about EVERY time the camera rolls. 

What did you learn about blocking the camera and actors?     

Even if you get a good performance, if we cannot see it clearly, it is pretty much wasted. 

What did you learn about visual elements such as lighting, composition, framing, etc.?       

Framing makes the biggest difference in a piece feeling nice and not taking us out of the story. 

What did you learn about design and art direction?     

I could have put more effort in art to give the story a more personal touch. 

What did you learn about the Production Process such as pre-production, collaborating with crew, securing equipment, etc.?    
I had a lot of fun working with Avery. I feel like we communicated pretty well and we ended a bit early even.  I learned the importance of pre production and scheduling beforehand. 

What was it like to watch your film with an audience? Did they understand it? Miss the point? Why did they respond the way they did?  

It was super nerve-wracking. Especially with a story that I didn't feel got told all the way, I was nervous the whole thing would just be dismissed because the end didn't make sense. 

If you could remake this piece knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

-I would color it better/get help
-I would make sure we could film the ending better
