Photo Assignment 3 - Space - Deep

Shoot three purposeful images this week. Post them on your blog by Saturday.
Take three photos showing deep space. In at least one photo you must demonstate the depth cues of 1) perspective (convergance of line), 2) size difference, 3) textural diffusion or overlap or tonal seperation. Each of these cues can be used as many times as you want, but must each be used at least once.
Include a brief artist’s statement with each photo. Include a explanation of how you rendered deep space that shows your understanding of the material. (Also, Why did you take this photo? What was your intention? Why, specifically, did this image speak to you? Do you believe you were successful? Why or why not?).

Photo 1)
With this photograph, my main goal was to show perspective by applying the use of lines and a vanishing point where my subject was standing. I think overall I did okay at showing that principle. 

Photo 2) So I kind of cheated (I couldn't decide which one of the pictures above showed the principle of size difference the best, so I included both hehe). But I tried to show how things in the fore and mid ground look bigger and show depth because they are bigger than the background. I think these pictures do a pretty good job at showing that. 

Picture 3) The main focus for this last picture was to try and include some tonal separation. In our reading, we learned that tonal separation "Deals with a viewer's perception of depth due to the brightness of objects. Usually, lighter objects appear closer and darker objects appear farther away." I tried to do that in this picture with the bar being brighter than my subject. I think it shows depth, but also it kind of distracts from my subject. 


  1. Mars! Your photos are so beautiful. I think you did a really great job of utilizing depth cues to suggest deep space. Even though you were focusing on one specific depth element in each photo, each of your photos include some may other elements of space which add to your photos.


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