Lennon, John. “Imagine.” Youtube
When the name John Lennon is heard, one of the first things that may come to mind is the famous rock band the Beatles. Then, one might think of the music video for the song “Imagine” on Lennon’s solo album. The narrative of the song itself calls the audience to imagine. Imagine a better world, a world with no hardships and equality. Coming from a Mexican heritage, this song has much significance and value. A place where “ All the people . . .[live] life in peace” and differences in people are not what make one stand out is something to which people from a minorities can easily relate. Sometimes, living in one culture and being raised in another, while at the same time being expected to conform to one or the either brings along a lot of confusion and alienation from one or both groups. The song gives a connection to all and gives the feeling of comfort and welcome reception. The significance of this song is brought forth through the use of imagery, pathos, and metaphors. The theme is presented in such a obviously clear but subtle way that adds to the overall message of the song.
The lyrics themselves begin with associating a sense of transcendence with the overall arch and meaning of the song and video, subjectively, this theme could be how the attainability of reaching mutual respect and equality is directly tied with the behavior one employs. “Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try. . . Imagine all the people livin’ for today.” The imaging set forth through the linking of a sense of religion or moral standing and the way the song is centered on the unification of peoples shows from the start the author’s intent: to bring awareness to the cause, to the objective--which is the aforementioned theme of the music video. Although the hard denotation of many of the lyrics were taken (especially in the time when this video was released, the early 70s) to mean that a life where unification is possible is a life where there is no heaven-- no religion, this interpretation of the words that Lennon had in mind from his audience was one of a better nature: to create an equal basis and starting place for all.
The way the words and the sentences are formed give the message that this sort of dreamy reality is possible in a world where people care, people sympathize. This world would only be possible in a place where no one cared about limitations, about differences, and would be willing to give everyone the same start. Outside of this idealized world John Lennon creates, is a world where imperfection thrives and equality fights to reach all people. The message this song creates is one of fusion as society as a whole, forgetting about cultures and wishing for a time and place with “No countries”, “No possessions”, and “No greed or hunger”.Visually speaking, the video centers the audience’s attention to the slow progression of the two character’s story. Aesthetically, the video has a sort of hazy look to it, accentuating the idea of a dream. Also it further takes the mind into this other world where such dreaming is possible. Carried on in the slow attentiveness to the whole process, not cutting to the most “exciting” moments, this visual storytelling technique emphasizes the almost human way of doing things; the slow, and wandering way that eventually leads to a destination. “Imagine all the people living life in peace. . . I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one. . . A brotherhood of man” these lyrics juxtaposed with the image of the woman slowly opening all the blinds in the room gives an example of the drawn out way things tend to move. It gives room for possibility and gives a sense of reality.
One of the most impressive aspects about this song’s message and intention, comes when the social impact is given a thought. This song was released in the early 70s, a time where one can say not much social and cultural equality was present, so to write a song about yearning for a place where everyone was given the same opportunities and importance, was a thing of much courage and social activism. It speaks volumes of the way it might have been received, both from those willing to overlook differences and those who were complacent or even staunch about staying the same.
To end, thinking personally on the impact of this song and video in my life and the life of those around me, I realize the worth of the lyrics--lyrics whose significance is brought to pass through visual storytelling, well-said and well-ordered words, and social context. A world is created. A world where all are given importance and value has always been a world for the “dreamer”, as Lennon puts it, but this song seems to encompass the desire and actual feel of such a world. The perfect world for all, and created from all.
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